
Academic Articles

Showing 19 - 24 of 29 results for: 2016 Global Drug Survey

Academic Articles


Academic articles 2023 Strating TR, Puljevic C, Davies E, Barratt MJ, Winstock A, Ferris J. Not all home drinking is equal: A latent class

Dosing for pleasure and why less is often more


Safer drug use is more enjoyable drug use and accepting that pleasure drives drug use not the avoidance of harm might help us to

Methods and limitations


A critical consideration of Global Drug Survey methodology and limitations Dr Adam R Winstock Dr Monica J Barratt Dr Jason A Ferris Dr Larissa

GDS Sample and characteristics


Don’t look to GDS for national estimates. GDS is designed to answer comparison questions that are not dependent on probability samples. The GDS database



“Dr Adam Winstock developed and  delivered a 3 hour face to face training program for senior security and pit bosses in one of Australia’s

Digital Health Apps

Drinks Meter The Drinks Meter is one of the most highly rated and praised digital health applications in the area of screening and brief