
Global products and services

Data Analysis and Report

GDS offers a low cost approach to content rich data that can be used to explore diverse health outcomes associated with the use of drugs and alcohol within the general population

From helping us better understand the quantitative dynamics of personal decision-making, to helping inform novel interventions to detecting regional differences in patterns of drug use and related harm within a single country, GDS has something to offer. And because GDS recruits younger, more involved drug using populations, we tend to spot emerging drugs trends before they enter into the general population.

The GDS database is huge, but its non-probability sample means analyses are better suited to questions less dependent on probabilistic rigor. The GDS sample is thus most effectively used to compare population segments:, young, old, students, males, females, gay, straight, clubbers, thin people, obese people, vegetarians etc. GDS can help add numbers and depth to the findings of more rigorous, though less detailed and smaller, survey findings. Our data panel below gives some idea of the scope and size of drug use data than we hold.

Data reporting

Types of report

GDS can prepare a report for you in any format you request. These include:

Simple table table-based reports

Assuming a high level of data literacy and a working understanding of the context in which the report will be viewed, such approaches are offered when responding to simple data requests, for example highlighting descriptive and frequencies of particular drug use patterns or prices. A sample report using ‘fake’ data is provided here.

Intermediate reports using PowerPoint

Suitable for more in-depth data explorations, but with an emphasis on headline findings and easy data sharing, our elegant GDS Power Point reports are a popular option of for those with a restricted budget. A sample report using ‘fake’ data is provided here.

Complex data reports and analyses

We are able to create complete research documents, written to the highest academic standards, that provide literature, methods, analyses, data tables and critical analyses. An example of some of our recent academic output in is provided in our list of academic publications here.

Interactive data reports

Using our huge database, we are able to create interactive PDF documents that allow the viewer to explore the data by selected core variables, such as age groping grouping and gender. A sample report using ‘fake’ data is provided here.

For more information, download our brochure here or email us at

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